Knowing fully who you are in Christ Jesus will make you much more "fully armed and dangerous" in the Army of our Lord and Savior, whose precious name is Jesus Christ. It will also hinder Satan greatly from messing with your mind, because your mind is the primary battle ground where peace and joy in your relationship with God is gained ... or lost.
Now.... If you have decided to believe that God paid full penalty for your sins by dying on the cross - taking full punishment for your sins so that your sins are forgiven forever and will not be held against you on the Judgment Day ... Do you KNOW that God the Father says "You are NOW the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus"?
For He (the Father) made Him (Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God (the Father) in Him (Jesus Christ). (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Because He is holy, I am holy. (Positionally speaking, I am holy in Jesus Christ, which was given me as part of the eternal gift of salvation, accomplished on the cross for me by Christ. Experientially - in practicality, I must strive daily with the Holy Spirit to not give in to sinful temptation as much as possible. This falls under the category of sanctification, or "working out" my salvation.
Satan has twisted "working out my salvation" by trying to get us to believe that we must WORK to gain and/or keep our salvation. NOT TRUE! Believing is how we gain and keep our salvation, and BECAUSE believing Truth (Truth being: The message of the Cross) is what saves me and keeps me saved, I am expected by God to LIVE UP TO IT -- TO SHOW EVIDENCE THAT I'M SERIOUS ABOUT DESIRING TO BE PLEASING TO GOD). 1 Peter 1:16
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: "Who committed no sin, nor was guile found in His mouth"; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed. 1 Peter 2:21-24 (NKJV).
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