14 January, 2011

Jesus the One who loves us so much that He died for you and me!

No greater Love or friendship than God's has ever been or ever will be.

Friend (According to www.dictionary.com): A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

Friend: Someone who is always there for you no matter what the circumstance may be; one who speaks truth into your life whether or not you want to hear it; one who knows how and what you're feeling without you saying a word; one who loves you even at your worst; one who makes you laugh and brings your life great joy.

Proverbs 17:17 says that "A friend loves at all times..." It's one of my favorite verses, and reminds me of what type of friend I should be as well as the friend I want in my life.

A blessing of LoveandCare between Friends is a gift from God!

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