27 January, 2011


Thanks.’ It is not very common any more.

Even with God we can be rude. We take God for granted so often. We don’t think. It’s not that we are not grateful, because we feel happy that something nice happened to us, but saying ‘thanks’ is different; it is expressing to the person how happy that person made us feel,how much we appreciate their kindness. We don’t realize it but God does thousands of things for us all day long. Just waking up in the morning is a gift. We don’t have to wake up. Our waking up is a special act of God’s love. If he forgot us for one moment or stopped loving us, we not only would not wake up, we would cease to exist. And all day long God is continually arranging nice things for us, unobtrusively, preventing harmful things that could happen, just because he cares. He also takes the time to turn events that hurt us into blessings, things we don’t even notice. And even when we ask God for favors so often, and we get them, we rarely think to say “Thank you.”

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