10 March, 2011

God answers Prayer

I Love to Pray (Power in Prayer)
1. Prayer Is Exciting (Elijah Prays for the Widow's Son)
2. Prayer Is Effectual (Elijah Prays for Rain)
3. Prayer Is Enlightening (Elijah Prays to Open & Close Eyes)

I Believe in Prayer
(Confidence in Prayer)
4. Faith Is Consistent (Daniel in the Lions' Den)
5. Faith Is Inventive (A Sick Man and His Friends)
6. Faith Is Determined (The Syrophenician Woman)
7. Faith Cries Out (Blind Bartimaeus)

God Answers My Prayers
(Answers in Prayer)
8. God Directs (Abraham's Servant Prays for God's Will)
9. God Helps (Samuel Prays for God's People)
10. God Heals (Hezekiah Prays for Healing)
11. God Delivers (Jonah Cries to the Lord)
12. God Strengthens (Nehemiah Prays for His Nation)
13. God Forgives (Stephen Prays for His Enemies)

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