17 March, 2011

Only Jesus
Only Jesus can make a sad heart glad
the only one who can give the best joy you ever had
He fills the hungry heart to satisfied and full
the only one who can redeem the sinful soul
Only Jesus can wash our sins away
the only one who can turn the night into day
He will always say "I forgive you"
the only one who can change a heart to make it new

Only Jesus can comfort you when you need a friend
the only one who stays with you to the end
He is always on duty caring for his sheep
the only one who loves so tenderly and deep

Only Jesus can heal a broken heart
the only one who shares our sorrows and takes a part
He is the savior who knows our deepest woes
the only one who gives victory over all our foes

Only Jesus can dry away our tears
the only one who calms all our fears
He is always there to strengthen in times of need
the only one to follow as he does guide and lead

Only Jesus can see the lonesome heart and void
the only one who can fill it to overjoyed
He is always there to hear our pleadings and request
the only one who gives perfect peace and rest

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