05 March, 2011

Why Worship God?

Why should I not worship God? He is my Creator and the Creator of the whole universe. He is my very breath. It is through Him that I live and move and have my being. My very existence depends on Him. When He takes away my breath or my heartbeat I cease to exist. Who else, or what else, could deserve my total devotion? If I get sick, the doctors may, or may not be able to help. God is the only one who can cure me. He truly deserves my praise.

Like David, He floods my mind with thoughts of Himself. In the morning, I lay on my bed and I meditate on Him. My heart rejoices in Him. My thoughts are focused on Him and His goodness towards me and all mankind.

He is worthy of all praise. He is so pure. He is full of love. His compassion can never by understood, or even measured. His light penetrates even the thick darkness. No one, and nothing, can hide in His presence.

He speaks and it is done. The whole universe obeys the sound of His voice. Evil trembles and hides at the sound of His breath.

He blesses me without measure. He knows everything about me, and He loves me for who I am, even with my faults. He knows the number of the hair on my head, and He knows all my thoughts (good and bad).

My soul yearns after Him. I long to see His face. I long to rest before Him and fall prostrate at His feet. I love how how he communicates with me. His voice is beyond my comprehension. I could write about Him forever. I will, however, sing of praises and worship Him. I will rejoice in His presence and thank Him for his many acts. I will pray until I cannot find the words. I will sing until my breath is dry. I will adore Him at all times. Even as David proclaimed: I will bless the Lord at all times His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord. The humble shall hear thereof and be glad

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